Sunday, September 11, 2005

Some random thoughts on sculpture and time:

1. Sculpture that depends on material and abstraction (in the modernist model) unfolds in time. Walking around the sculpture necessarily takes time, and the act of walking around a sculpture animates it, creates a time-based understanding of its form. Serrra's work with film (particularly thinking about Hand Catching Lead) seems to explore this. Caro and Serra both excel at creating a relationship between your body and the piece that challenge time, harness time.

2. A strong, malleable relationship between form and time is very relevant when you can't look at the Times without reading the word Apocalypse. GW Bush is a firm believer in the second coming. Global warming is a reality. New Orleans is a tragedy of biblical porporitions. Megachurches rely on the book of Revelations at the expense of the gospels.

3. And I hate the phrase "media savvy", but how does this influence how we all see the world? On one hand, I see a greater tolerance for structureless information. On the other, I see a great push to create narrative out of chaos (reality TV shows, spinning pundits, all kinds of zealotry). Is part of this End Is Near business a push to understand via narrative? Would a non-narrative arrangement of time help?

4. And does all of this armageddoning have the potential to invigorate the modernist model? Make it more relevant?


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